Intermediate Investors
Don't Let Tight Credit Stop You from Investing in Denver Real Estate
Don't Let Tight Credit Stop you from Investing in Denver Real Estate
Subhead: Buying and Selling Denver Real Estate on Creative Terms
We are in the midst of a major shift in mortgage banking. Lenders are taking a harder line, raising credit and down payment requirements, and requiring more documentation. If you’re in a position of having poor credit and not qualifying for conventional financing, you can still invest in Denver real estate. There are three things you should do, and one thing you should not do. Let’s start with what you should not do, and that is, do not wait for everything to be perfect before you consider investing. In fact, making your Denver real estate investments at the earliest possible opportunity will help you pull out of your negative credit situation, by helping you establish a payment track record, and accumulate equity.
Now on to the three things you should do:
Now on to the three things you should do:
Negotiate with the lender
Seek out Alternative/Creative financing
Take appropiate steps to create good credit
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